Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Sweet Potato Patty only 534 cal for 2 patties!

Hi hiii beauties!

Another sweet potato recipe for you to start your healthy lifestyle~ Alright, I think I will name this second recipe also for my first and third recipe later with, “The sweet potato series” Hahahaha..

As I’ve discussed before, there are tons of benefits for us, if we want to eat sweet potato. Maybe some of people who are on diet think that common potato (the white one) is the best substitute for white rice. Well, it’s true, but we can absolutely find another substitute for white potato, so that we don’t get bored when we have to eat white potato all the time. So, if on the first recipe I just showed you a little “treatment”for our beloved sweet potato, now I will show you how to give this orange little thing the second level of “treatment”!

My second recipe in my “sweet potato series” is sweet potato patty! Well, if you are common with beef patty or chicken patty, it’s time for you to just taste a little bit of the sweetness of this patty which is absolutely delicious! So tasty, so easy to make, and yeah! It only takes 534 cal for 2 patties! Awesome~ So, here is the recipe!


1.  100 gram of sweet potato, steamed and crushed (100 gr ubi jalar, dikukus dan dihancurkan)
2.  5-6 prawns medium, steamed (5-6 ekor udang ukuran sedang, dikukus)
3.  1 spring onion (1 tangkai daun bawang)
4.  1 egg (1 butir telur)
5.  2 tbsp olive oil (2 sdm minyak zaitun)
6.  a pinch of salt and pepper (sedikit garam dan lada)

How to cook?

1.  Mince the cooked prawns
2.  Mix the crushed sweet potato and minced prawns in a big bowl
3.  Slice the spring onion
4.  Add the spring onion, an egg, and a pinch of salt and pepper.
5.  Shape it into a patty shape
6.  Add olive oil then fry it until the egg cooked
7.  Serve with lettuce and tomatoes which have <12 calorie!

Total calorie: 534 cal for 2 patties (1 serve)

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