Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Low Calorie Recipe Under 400 cals: Roasted Tumeric Tuna

Hiiii beauties!

Today’s recipe is not from my “sweet potato series” again hahahaha~ . This recipe is my favourite food which originally came from my mother. When I was little, my mom liked to cook me a bowl of Tumeric Fish which I thought was very delicious. Now, I want to share my mom’s recipe, but in my own way. I modified it by changing the way of cooking and the ingredients (a little bit). While my mom cooked it by boiling it, I made it by steaming then roasting it. This recipe then I called, Roasted Tumeric Tuna. It only takes 350 cal per serving by adding boiled spinach and carrot.

1.  50 gram of Tuna (50 gram ikan Tuna)
2.  2 cloves of garlic (2 siung bawang putih)
3.  2 onions (2 siung bawang merah)
4.  1 teaspoon of tumeric (1 sdt bubuk kunyit)
5.  ½ tablespoon lemon juice (1/2 sdm jus lemon)
6.  1 cm of galangal (1 cm lengkuas)
7.  2 branches of lemongrass (2 batang serai)
8.  1 tablespoon of palm sugar (1 sdm gula merah)
9.  A pinch of salt and pepper (sedikit garam dan lada)
10.              1 teaspoon of unsalted butter (1 sdt mentega tawar)

How to cook:
1.  Prepare the fish, add lemon juice on it. / Siapkan ikan, baluri ikan dengan jus lemon.
2.  Make the paste: Blend garlic, onion, tumeric, galangal, and lemongrass. Add a pinch of salt and pepper / Buat bumbu basah: Hancurkan bawang putih, merah, kunyit, lengkuas, dan serai. Tambahkan sedikit garam dan lada.
3.  Add the paste into the fish. Marinate it for 2 hours. / Campurkan ke ikan dan diamkan hingga 2 jam.
4.  Heat the steamer. Put the fish into alumunium foil and wrap it. Steam for 20 minutes. / Panaskan kukusan. Bungkus ikan kedalam alumunium foil dan kukus selama 20 menit.
5.  Take the fish. Heat the pan and add unsalted butter. Roast the fish until the color becomes brown. /Ambil ikan dan panaskan wajan anti lengket. Masukkan mentega tawar. Panggang ikan hingga kecoklatan.
6.  Serve with boiled spinach and carrot. Don’t forget to add the liquid from the steamer, because it is rich of flavour as the sauce. /Sajikan dengan bayam dan wortel. Jangan lupa untuk menambahkan sisa air kukusan karena air tersebut mengandung banyak rasa yang lezat, tambahkan sebagai saus.

Total calorie: 350 cal per serving. 

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