Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Review The Body Shop Shade Adjusting Drops

The Body Shop Shade Adjusting Drops

Hii my beautiful fellows~

Kali ini dapat kesempatan untuk review produk yang sebenarnya udah nggak baru lagi sih, udah lama banget produk ini keluar dan aku udah lama banget juga belinya, mungkin awal tahun ini sepertinya, tetapi baru ada waktu untuk ngereview produk ini, hehehe~ Gapapa lah yaa, walaupun telat, tapi kan yang penting manfaatnya dari review aku kali ini.

Nah, aku sengaja memang just bought one item, which is lightening series. Sebenarnya ada yang Darkening series, but, karena aku tuh gak suka beli sesuatu yang mubajir alias bakalan aku jarang pakai, ini aja aku beli awal tahun, baru kepake sekarang.. hahahaha.. So, Karena kebutuhan aku yang agak lumayan dalam menerangkan foundie2 untuk klien aku, jadinya aku beli yang warna ini.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Beginner Makeup Series Eps 1 : GRADUATION MAKEUP & HAIRDO

Helloww ciwi-ciwi gorjesss!

Mmm, maap kan yaa, 2016 ini sudah membuat saya sedikit alay dan l.e.b.h.a.y hahahhaa but, gapapa lahh yaaa, biarin aja lebay sing penting ora nyakitin orang lain, ora buat perang, ora ngerugiin orang lain, bener kagak?

Sooo, ni postingan dirapel aja ya broo, hahahaha karena lagi ada waktu ngeblog, jadi aku bakalan langsung aja ngepost tentang video kedua aku di youtube channel aku @ Pontilogia Beauty (jangan lupa dilike video2nyaa, ditonton lalu dishare dan disubscribeee juga yahh!)

Di Video kedua aku ini, aku bakalan speak all in English to deliver the theme of my video, that is Graduation Makeup and Hairdo. Nah, kenapa aku ngemeng make Inggris? Simpel, karena ane bisa dan pengen aja juga bisa menyapa temen-temen bule yg ada di dunia per youtuban, hahhaa.. syukur2 diliat dan didenger, ngga juga ora popooo, belum rejeki neee >,<

Soo, aku ambil tema Graduation, sebenarnya siii ini video is dedicated to my friends who have graduation at Sanata Dharma University karena ada beberapa yang request untuk buat tutorial makeup wisuda.. Tapi, maap banget bru sempat upload dan wisuda Sadhar keburu udahan duluan hahahhaa. Anyway, masih tetap worthed lah yaa buat ditonton hehehe... secara, tutorial ini simpell banget dan gampang buat diikutin, so pasti abis nonton ini jadi bisa dandan wisuda sendiri tanpa harus ke salon hehehe

Jadii, langsung aja deh yu ahh cuss diliat videonya, tapi jangan lupaaa, sebelum ditonton, dilike dulu dong yahhh, abis itu baru ditonton dan dishare ke temen2 yang mungkin lagi butuh buat wisuda nanti, hhehehe~

And Stayyy Gokilll dan Kreatiff!

Muachhh.. tunggu aku di postingan selanjutnya yah~


My First Youtube Video!


Awwww aw awwww...! Sooo longggg... so longg no time no see!

Apa kabar guehh?? Yg dari 2015 terakhir, ntah bulan berapa nulis2 di blog kesayangan gueh iniii~ Dan akhirnya baru ada waktu, *lebih tepatnya, kemauan* hahahahaa dalam menulis lagi setelah lama banget hampir setahun lebih vakum. And, yeahh! I am back! And of course, come back nya aku ini bakalan lebih seru karena sekarang aku udah fokus ke kerjaan aku yaitu sebagai MUA! alias Makeup Artist! yang sebentar lagi bakalan bener2 fokus ke dunia ini dengan mengambil sekolah lagi dan insya Allahhh bisa buka salon dan bridal sendiri *sedang menata dan merencanakan* hehehe.. Fuihhh, nanti deh bakalan aku ceritain gimana serunya dan berlika-likunya jalan aku menuju keputusan yang sebenarnya ada menentang dan ada yang mendukung. Namun, as long as my parents support me, there's no problem at all! Selama aku punya orang tua yang mendukung dan ngerti banget apa yang aku rasakan *LOVE U SO MUCH MY PARENTS!*, sepertinya sii ngga ada masalah yg berarti hehehe~

Nah, what's new in my life? First, I have my hobby as my job now, I am so enjoying my new job now, maybe more in 2017 *Can't waaaiiittt!!! Only 2 months left!! and I have new adventerous hobby, that is be a YOUTUBER! Hahahahahahaaaa.. But, waitt, Why should I become a youtuber??

Soo, ceritanyaa tuh gini. Pada dasarnya aku ni ciwii yg cerewet bgtt alias suka ngemeng sana ngemeng sini, terbukti dengan aku sebenarnya seneng jadi seorang guru yang notabene kudu ngomong mulu di depan murid hahahaha, butt, I feel something different lahh kalo jadi youtuber.

Menjadi seorang youtuber, walaupun aku masih anaknya anak bawang banget dalam dunia ini, tapi tantangannya tuh beda banget daripada nulis di blog. Kalo nulis di blog kan, palingan ngetik2 dari inspirasi kemudian edit2 pake photoshop, udah. But, kalo buat video, lu harus persiapin semua konsep, konten, pencahayaan, pengambilan gambar, pengeditan, bahkan lu harus keluar modal yang nggak dikit men! terutama di kamera, pencahayaan dan komputer untuk edit (terutama programnya *TEARRR!!!* Tapi, di situ lah titik keseruannya.. lu bisa eksplor lebihh banyak lagi tentang diri lu ke dunia luar. Kadang kalo lewat tulisan, lu nggak bisa kan liat muka gueh yg lagi senyam senyum sendiri pas lagi nulis ini buat kalian? But, klo di video, ada hal2 lucu dan aneh pas aku ngomong, pasti eskpresi ngikut deh hahaha...

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Low Calorie Bubur Manado (Manado Poridge Style)

Low Calorie Bubur Manado (Manado Poridge Style)

Hello beauties!

In this posting, I want to share my recipe which is really suitable for lunch, if you do food combining diet. It is because the recipe only consists of white rice poridge and vegetables. However, I add some dried fish, just a pinch of it, to add more flavour. If you don’t want to add any meat, you can skip it. This comfort food originally comes from Manado. The uniqueness of this recipe is that, the poridge only contains of vegetables, such as pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, water spinach or kangkung, and sweet corn. The taste is very delicious, so simple to be made, and the calorie only 250 cal! So, please try it by yourself~  


1.  50 gram white rice, soak in water for minimum 4 hours. /50 gram beras putih, rendam dalam air minimum 4 jam
2.  100 ml water. /100 ml air putih
3.  50 gram sweet potato. / 50 gram ubi jalar
4.  50 gram pumpkin. /50 gram labu
5.  1 corn medium size. /1 buah jagung ukuran sedang.
6.  20 gram spinach. /20 gram bayam
7.  1 tablespoon salt. /1 sdm garam
8.  2 tablespoon light soy sauce. /2 sdm kecap asin
9.  2 tablespoon sesame oil. /2 sdm minyak wijen
10.              2 teaspoon fried garlic. /2 sdt bawang putih goreng
11.              1 teaspoon white vinegar. /1 sdt cuka putih
12.              1 spring onion. /1 batang daun bawang.
13.              10 dried shrimp. /10 ekor udang ebi.

How to cook:

1.  Cook the poridge like common porridge. / Masak bubur seperti biasa.
2.  Boil 100 ml water. Add sweet potato and pumpkin. Cook until they are cooked. /Rebus 100 ml air. Tambahkan ubi jalar dan labu. Masak hingga matang
3.  Add sweet corn. Cook for about 2 minutes. /Masukkan jagung manis. Masak dalam 2 menit.
4.  Add the poridge. Stir well. / Masukkan bubur. Aduk-aduk.
5.  Add spinach. Cook for about 2 minutes. Meanwhile, add salt, light soy sauce, white vinegar, sesame oil, fried garlic, and dried shrimp. Taste until you like it! /Kemudian masukkan bayam. Masak sekitar 2 menit. Sementara itu, masukkan garam, kecap asin, cuka, minyak wijen, bawang putih goreng, dan ikan ebi. Masak sesuai selera hingga kamu suka.
6.  Then the poridge is ready to serve! Eat it while warm~ / Bubur siap disajikan! Nikmati selagi hangat ya~

For 2-3 servings.

Total calorie per serving: 250 cal. 

Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Low Calorie Tomato Carrot Soup with Shrimps and Cheese.

Hiii beautiess~~

Today I want to share my delicious smooth tomato-carrot soup which I combine with prawns, spinach, egg, and cheese. Wow, that’s a lot of calories! Don’t worry, this dish only takes 600 cal. Enough for you to get a lot of energy and vitamins from the complex protein (prawns,egg,milk, and cheese) and also the vitamins and minerals (spinach, carrot, and bell pepper). I asure you, you will not want to eat anything after eat this soup without the addition of rice! Because this dish contains of a lot of nutrition. This soup also doesn’t make your stomach feel full or bloating. Precisely, by eating this soup, you will not feel hungry for a day until the dinner time comes! Trust me, I didn’t eat my dinner after I ate this soup as my lunch, hahaha~ Besides that, the taste is very tasty and of course, very easy to make. So, here is the recipe!

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Low Calorie Recipe Under 400 cals: Roasted Tumeric Tuna

Hiiii beauties!

Today’s recipe is not from my “sweet potato series” again hahahaha~ . This recipe is my favourite food which originally came from my mother. When I was little, my mom liked to cook me a bowl of Tumeric Fish which I thought was very delicious. Now, I want to share my mom’s recipe, but in my own way. I modified it by changing the way of cooking and the ingredients (a little bit). While my mom cooked it by boiling it, I made it by steaming then roasting it. This recipe then I called, Roasted Tumeric Tuna. It only takes 350 cal per serving by adding boiled spinach and carrot.

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Sweet Potato Patty only 534 cal for 2 patties!

Hi hiii beauties!

Another sweet potato recipe for you to start your healthy lifestyle~ Alright, I think I will name this second recipe also for my first and third recipe later with, “The sweet potato series” Hahahaha..

As I’ve discussed before, there are tons of benefits for us, if we want to eat sweet potato. Maybe some of people who are on diet think that common potato (the white one) is the best substitute for white rice. Well, it’s true, but we can absolutely find another substitute for white potato, so that we don’t get bored when we have to eat white potato all the time. So, if on the first recipe I just showed you a little “treatment”for our beloved sweet potato, now I will show you how to give this orange little thing the second level of “treatment”!