Minggu, 02 November 2014

Queen of Darkness #MUA Portfolio

Hello fellas!

Very long time no see~ Well, udah gak kerasa udah bulan November aja ya.. Welcome November! Hopefully bulan ini bisa menjadi bulan yang baik buat kita semua. November, Please be good ^^

Well, in this posting, I create again a look which seems to be mysterious, kinda creepy but still elegant and beautiful. I call it Queen of Darkness. Well, there are a lot of Queen of Darkness makeup versions out there, but my look is actually inspired from the killer in Conjuring movie. Did you remember (If you watch Conjuring), the grandmother who kill many people and burry them at her crypt (ruang bawah tanah) in her house? Nah, I love the makeup! So, here are the photos of my latest makeup creation. Hopefully, you are inspired. Enjoy! :)

Products that I used:

1. Coastal Scents 252 Ultimate Palette
2. Krayolan TV Paint Stick (White)
3. Marcks Loose Powder (White)
4. Maybelline EyeStudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner (Black)
6. NYX Macaron Lippie (Chambord)

Thank you all for stopping by.. Good Luck and have a great day! Buubaaayyy~~ XOXO

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