Senin, 29 September 2014

How to get these TOP 5 Types of Guy!

Hi girls!

Today’s issue is about love..loveee...oh lovee~ Honestly, I am not in “love mood” while writing this, but I have someone in my mind who make me smiling during the process of the writing, hahahaa~

Nah, girls, kita sebagai cewek normal berhak banget mengidamkan cowok yang sesuai dengan apa yang kita idamkan. Kebanyakan dari kita pasti menginginkan berpacaran dengan cowok yang perfect sesuai dengan kriteria yang kita miliki. 

Honestly, banyak banget tipe cowok diluar sana yang mungkin akan menarik bila kita mau mendekatinya. Kali ini, aku ingin berbagi tips tentang berbagai macam tipe cowok yang selama ini aku temui, bagaimana cara mendapatkan mereka, dan mengapa mereka worthed untuk kita dapatkan. Hopefully, tips kali ini bisa memperkaya pengetahuan kalian ya girls tentang mahkluk yang bernama “cowok”, so kalian nggak perlu pesimis seandainya nggak bisa ngedapetin tipe cowok seperti kalian inginkan. Toh, masih banyak tipe-tipe cowok yang bisa membuat hati kita luluh. Nobody is perfect, so we have to be wise in choosing someone who will be our “part” and “future”. Oh ya, and I will not include the “romantic type guy”, because in my opinion, every man is romantic in their own way. J. So, semua tipe pria disini bisa banget romantis, berani, dan keren dihadapan kita, but of course with their own way.

Minggu, 28 September 2014

All Bold #3 Make Up Portfolio

Hello guys!

This time I made my third make up portfolio which was named All Bold. My Inspiration was taken from Batman Movie. You know all that Batman wears a black mask that covers his handsome face.  I always like to experiment with new style of eyeliner and lipstick. Therefore, the beautiful shape of the mask then inspired me to make the bold eye make up using black and silver eyeshadows.

I choosed my collection of plum color. I used Maybelline Color Sensation in Perfect Plum. Plum color is a bold and beautiful color that is very popular this year. Many of make up brands compete to create the perfect plum shades.

I personally fall in love with Maybelline Color Sensation in Perfect Plum. The texture is soft and creamy. The color last long for more than 8 hours. The key is, before you wear this kind of color, always wear the lipliner that has the same tone of shade.

The middle-dark plum color is perfect to be combined with bold eye look. Here are the look that I made using this beautiful perfect plum color from Maybelline. 

Jumat, 26 September 2014

Fierce Red #2 Make Up Portofolio

Hello everyone!

In this second edition of my portofolio, I choosed to do experiment by using one of my collections of red lipstics.I used matte red lipstick from NYX. I really love this brand! Besides the price that is affordable, the quality is also very awesome! NYX memang menjadi salah satu brand make up yang paling banyak menawarkan berbagai macam pilihan-pilihan dengan kualitas yang menyamai brand-brand high-end quality dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau! Love ittt!

Why Fierce red? Ada alasannya. Red itu adalah warna yang identik dengan keberanian, gairah, hasrat, dan obsesi. Nah, kali ini make up akan dititik beratkan pada penggunaan lipstik merah yang bertekstur matte. Umumnya, red lipstick is used to give the strong and fierce look. However, at the same time, it can also be used to give the elegant and classic look.

If you want to have the "fierce one", here are some tips for you:
1. You can combine the matte red lipstick with gold,bronze, chocolate, or brown color. To make it looks beautiful, you can choose other earth colors which are directed to brown.
2. Gunakan pensil bibir berwarna merah terlebih dahulu. This will make your matte red lipstick stay longer!
3. Use tissue after you use the lipstick. It helps the lipstick to stay longer,too
4. Use mineral powder or photo-finish powder to keep the matte look :)

 Don't be afraid to use matte red color! Be Bold girls and you will know how strong you are!

Well, here are some pictures that can be the inspiration of how to use matte red lipstick. Maaf kalau kualitas gambarnya jelek yah, hahahaaa~ I really need to fix my camera as soon as possible. -__-

You can break 
down a WOMAN
temporarily but a 
will always pick up the 
and come back even
STRONGER than ever!

My MakeUp Portofolio #1 Swan Lake Ballerina

Hi everyone!

Long time no see yaaa guys.. I miss you so much. So sorry, lama banget nggak ngepost something di blog ku tercinta ini karena saya harus menyelesaikan my beloved THESIS! Dikejar tayang sama Thesis, akhirnya aku meninggalkan semua kesenanganku sejenak, termasuk ngeblog dan bereksperimen dan bereksplorasi dengan make up, heheee..

Ok, since I never tell you that I am obsessed with make up, then now I will tell you. Dari dulu waktu, pokoknya dari aku kecil sampai SMA, aku nggak pernah nyentuh yang namanya dunia permake-upan.. apalagi berani pake gincu, pake bedak aja jarang. But, since I entered college life, day by day, there was something wierd that grew inside me. Aku ngerasa kalau aku itu sebenarnya cantik *Loh?!* Hahahaha, tapi that's true! dari perasaan menghargai kecantikan sendiri, aku pun mulai berfikir, kenapa nggak dijaga dan ditingkatkan? 

Nah, mulai dari situ, aku pun rajin ngelihat tutorial2 make up dan baca2 majalah2 yg ada rubrik dandan2nya. Awalnya sih jelek, apalagi bagian alis dan eyeliner! *I think, almost every girls will have the same problem whenever they want to start in learning make up* But, dukungan dari teman2 yang bilang, "Ih, Cia, beda ih, jadi lebih cantik" made me "terbaaanggg" hahahaa~ mulai sejak itu, ai jdi rajin latihan.

Oke, kemudian why  this kind of thing can be my obsession? Simpel, aku selalu senang, berapi-api, dan sangat bersemangat ketika melakukan ini. So, I think, aku harus menseriuskan obsesiku ini menjadi my future job and my investment di waktu ketika aku sudah bosan dgn pekerjaanku. :) Siapa tau bisa dandanin artis Hollywood dan keliling dunia make-upin model2 kelas dunia? Woww! 

Nah, dipostingan kali ini, aku ingin berbagi beberapa foto hasil eksperimen beberapa hari lalu *mumpung selo*

Tema kali ini terinspirasi dari balerina Swan Lake. I think they are very beautiful! dan aku juga penggemar berat balet, so I decided to make the look of this. Maafkan bila masih jelek banget! Namanya juga masih belajar, hehhee~ 

Well, nggak usah berlama-lama, Check this out! Love you and Catch your dream, girls! Hopefully you can get inspiration from these pictures, XOXO

Ugly ducklings
will grow up as swans
and all your scars
will fade;
make today
the moment you decide
to grow white wings
and finally be