Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Low Calorie Tomato Carrot Soup with Shrimps and Cheese.

Hiii beautiess~~

Today I want to share my delicious smooth tomato-carrot soup which I combine with prawns, spinach, egg, and cheese. Wow, that’s a lot of calories! Don’t worry, this dish only takes 600 cal. Enough for you to get a lot of energy and vitamins from the complex protein (prawns,egg,milk, and cheese) and also the vitamins and minerals (spinach, carrot, and bell pepper). I asure you, you will not want to eat anything after eat this soup without the addition of rice! Because this dish contains of a lot of nutrition. This soup also doesn’t make your stomach feel full or bloating. Precisely, by eating this soup, you will not feel hungry for a day until the dinner time comes! Trust me, I didn’t eat my dinner after I ate this soup as my lunch, hahaha~ Besides that, the taste is very tasty and of course, very easy to make. So, here is the recipe!

1.  100 gram of prawns-medium (100 gr udang ukuran sedang)
2.  150 gram of organic red tomatoes (150 gr tomat merah)
3.  ½ onion (1/2 bawang bombay)
4.  60 ml low fat milk (60 ml susu rendah lemak)
5.  2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (2 sdm minyak zaitun)
6.  ¼ red bell pepper (1/4 paprika merah)
7.  ½ organic carrot (1/2 wortel)
8.  20 gram organic spinach (20 gram bayam)
9.  1 tbsp tomato sauce (1 sdm saus tomat)
10.              2 tbsp worcestershire sauce (2 sdm kecap inggris)
11.              1 tbsp salt or according to the personal taste(1 sdm garam/sesuai selera)
12.              1 clove garlic (1 siung bawang putih)
13.              1 teaspoon chilli powder (1 sdt bubuk cabe)
14.              A pinch of cumin (sejumput jinten)
15.              2 teaspoon palm sugar (2 sendok teh gula aren)
16.              A pinch of cheese (sejumput keju)

How to cook:

Here are 3 steps to make this soup, but don’t worry, it only takes a minute!

A. Saute the prawns with 1 tbsp of olive oil until the color turns pink. Set aside. / Goreng sebentar udang dengan 1 sdm minyak zaitun hingga warna menjadi pink. Sisihkan.

B.  Tomato and Carrot Soup
1.  Slice the tomatoes into small cubes. /Potong-potong tomat hingga kecil
2.  Slice the carrots and red bell pepper also into small cubes./ Potong-potong juga wortel dan paprika merah hingga kecil
3.  Slice the onion. /Potong-potong bawang bombay
4.  With the remaining olive oil and prawns stock, add the onion, carrot, red bell pepper, and tomatoes. Cook until tender for about 10 minutes. /Dengan menggunakan sisa minyak zaitun dan kaldu dari sisa penggorengan udang sebelumnya, masukkan,bawang bombay, wortel, paprika, dan tomat. Masak hingga lembut kira-kira 10 menit.
5.  Blend the soup until the texture is creamy. /Blender sup hingga tekstur menjadi creamy atau lembut.
6.  Put again the soup into the pot, reheat then add pre-cooked prawns, 50 ml of milk, salt, cumin, worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce, palm sugar, and chilli powder. Feel the taste until you like it! /Masukkan kembali sup kedalam panci, kemudian panaskan kembali, masukkan udang yang sudah dimasak, 50 ml susu, garam, jinten, kecap inggris, saos tomat, gula aren, dan bubuk cabai. Rasakan sup hingga sesuai selera.
7.  Add spinach. /Masukkan bayam.
8.  Set aside./ Sisihkan.

C.  Scrambled egg
1.  Add egg, 10 ml of milk, a pinch of salt, 1 clove crushed onion then mix it. /Masukkan telur, 10 ml susu, sedikit garam, 1 bawang putih yang sudah dihancurkan, kemudian kocok.
2.  In the pan, add 1 or ½ tbsp of olive oil. Scramble the egg. /Didalam panci, tambahkan 1/1/2 sendok makan minyak zaitun. Kemudian aduk telur.

D.   Serve the soup with the scrambled egg and a little of cheese on top of it. Eat while warm. Enjoy~ To achieve the same calorie, try not to add more seasonings and ingredients.

Total calorie            : 600 cal for 1 serving.

Total time                : 20 minutes

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