Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016
Review The Body Shop Shade Adjusting Drops
Review The Body Shop Shade Adjusting Drops Hii my beautiful fellows~ Kali ini dapat kesempatan untuk review produk yang seben...
Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016
Beginner Makeup Series Eps 1 : GRADUATION MAKEUP & HAIRDO
Helloww ciwi-ciwi gorjesss! Mmm, maap kan yaa, 2016 ini sudah membuat saya sedikit alay dan l.e.b.h.a.y hahahhaa but, gapapa lahh yaaa, bi...
My First Youtube Video!
Hiiii!!!!!!! Awwww aw awwww...! Sooo longggg... so longg no time no see! Apa kabar guehh?? Yg dari 2015 terakhir, ntah bulan berapa nuli...
Rabu, 01 April 2015
Low Calorie Bubur Manado (Manado Poridge Style)
Low Calorie Bubur Manado (Manado Poridge Style) Hello beauties! In this posting, I want to share my recipe which is really suitab...
Selasa, 31 Maret 2015
Low Calorie Tomato Carrot Soup with Shrimps and Cheese.
Hiii beautiess~~ Today I want to share my delicious smooth tomato-carrot soup whic...
Minggu, 29 Maret 2015
Low Calorie Recipe Under 400 cals: Roasted Tumeric Tuna
Hiiii beauties! Today’s recipe is not from my “sweet potato series” again hahahaha~ . This recipe is my favourite food which originall...
Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015
Sweet Potato Patty only 534 cal for 2 patties!
Hi hiii beauties! Another sweet potato recipe for you to start your healthy lifestyle~ Alright, I think I will name this second recipe...
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